10 february 2020

Another Case of Illegal Import of Drugs in Particularly Large Amount Detected  

Another Case of Illegal Import of Drugs in Particularly Large Amount Detected   


The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of urgent operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the framework of its functions vested upon it by law, in order to detect and prevent the channels of illegal import of drugs and to bring persons involved in criminal schemes to justice, detected another case of illegal import of drugs in particularly large amount.

According to the obtained factual data, a citizen of RA, while being in the Russian Federation, on order of 2 acquaintances residing in Yerevan, illegally acquired “methadone” and “cocaine” drugs in particularly large amount which he put into a hidden compartment in an electric saw, and on 25 January 2020, in Moscow, he passed them in a bag to a van driver engaged in cargo transportation to Armenia and gave him buyers’ telephone numbers. As a result, the given consignment of drugs concealed from customs control on 3 February 2020 was imported through Bagratashen BCP to the Republic of Armenia, and the customers of these drugs, having received the baggage under the control of operational divisions of the RA NSS on 3 February, illegally transported them to an area serving as their meeting place and after that they were brought in and detained.   

As a result of operational and search measures and investigative activities undertaken within the framework of the criminal case initiated in the Investigation Department of RA on the fact of an apparent crime according to the corresponding articles of the RA Criminal Code, а body of irrefutable evidence of the crime has been obtained; the preliminary investigation is being conducted.  

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his/her guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.